In addition to providing individual expert Consultants, Essential Consulting offer dynamic Resource Augmentation solutions that are tailored to the specific requirements of our clients.
In the rapidly changing project space it is essential to have flexible resource that can mirror this. We provide clients with scalable solutions that can ramp up immediately and be rolled off just as quickly.
Through our Resource Augmentation solutions we are able to accommodate the fluctuating demands of our clients and are able to constantly change the number and the skill set of Consultants on site at any time. These teams can either be managed by the client or alternatively managers can be provided to lead and coordinate these teams.
By providing flexible resources only for the time that clients need them and through concessions given due to the volume of the resource often needed in these circumstances, we provide a highly cost effective alternative to traditional hiring approaches.
We have performed augmentations on a large number of high profile change initiatives across many of the major banks in London, each with their own unique resource profiles and challenges, and have consistently delivered successfully with exceptional client feedback.